Thyra Dane

IKEA Deletes Women from Catalog

I`m angry. And I`m disappointed.

IKEA, a Swedish furniture company which has done so much good for minorities, at least here, has decided to delete women from their catalog. Not world-wide, of course, but from their Saudi-Arabian catalog.

IKEA stands for family values but has decided women are not a part of those values. They`ve gone through their catalog and have carefully taken away pictures of women. Even a female designer (one of four designers) disappeared from the Saudi-Arabian catalog.  I`m so in shock. Making women invisible is the ultimate oppression – we`re not even there to be seen. Let alone heard.

Money more important than liberty

IKEA may claim that they have to do this to sell their furniture in Saudi-Arabia but would the world really have gone under if Saudi-Arabians couldn`t buy Billy-shelves or the chair Ektorp? Maybe IKEA should have taken a hard look at the values of the country the company comes from? Women are SO not invisible in Sweden. They are a natural part of all levels of politics, business and culture. Steps have been taken to ensure than men and women have equal rights and equal opportunities. Swedish men stay at home for months when their babies are born, for Pete`s sake.

But money is apparently more important to IKEA than the Swedish values. IKEA likes using the Swedish colors of blue and yellow everywhere in their stores but when it comes to the cash register, IKEA will do anything to make a few Saudi-Arabian Riyals – even sell their soul.

I`m embarrassed

I`m embarrassed on behalf of IKEA. My house is full of IKEA products but I have a foul taste in my mouth when I look at them. I`ve always loved IKEA but now I feel betrayed. What happened to a company with great values – coming from a country in the forefront of the fight for gender equality?

Money talks, apparently 🙁

Read more about IKEA taking away women from their catalog